
Fallout 3 dogmeat invincible
Fallout 3 dogmeat invincible

fallout 3 dogmeat invincible

His options for fetching weapons and ammo is frankly only good for two things. This avoids reloading or resurrecting him via console if he dies. There are so many guns and ammo just switch them up depending on your enemy of amount of ammo.Įasiest way is to make Dogmeat invincible w/ the console. You can also build the rock-it-launcher which is unlimited ammo (I like to use forks and spoons because they are only half a pound and fun to shoot ). Shotguns only at close range, pistols at mid range and rifles and longer range.most of the time. Make sure you have repair skill very high throughout the game, it will make sure that you will save money (not have your merchants repair the guns and you can sell guns instead of using all for repairing) and your guns are more effective.Īlso use you ammo effectively. You'll find so many guns that you can sell half of those and never have to worry about money. Same thing for money, just pick up as much as you can carry (add strong back perk) and sell of a lot of things. If you explore all of the game you will have more ammo then you will ever need. I never used him to find ammo, because he would end of up finding enemies at some point and die, and I also never really had problems will ammo. but when you go instead building or fight lots of enemies in a particular quest, you should leave him outside. Dogmeat is good if you are running around in an open area taking on scorpions, bandits, etc.

Fallout 3 dogmeat invincible